Dragging your feet on going digital? Here are just a few good reasons to switch to electronic claims submission:
You'll save money. Preparing and mailing paper claims is far more costly than transmitting them electronically. Even if you aren't currently set up for electronic claims submission, mail costs savings alone should nearly pay for a computer system in just one year.
You'll be more efficient. Electronic claims submission is faster—you and your staff will have more time to devote to your patients and for other responsibilities.
Accuracy counts. Electronic claims ensure greater accuracy, because of built-in checks on claims submission. This means fewer information requests or other holdups in the processing of your claims. And, in the end, faster claims processing means faster payment to you.
It's affordable. Because most dental offices are already computerized, it's just a matter of a software program and a clearinghouse. If you are interested in electronic claims submission, we encourage you to take a look at our list of clearinghouses.
It’s quick. Including a payer ID on electronic claims allows them to be routed correctly and quickly.
Electronic claims submission tips
- The correct address for all claims, paper and electronic, for Delta Dental of Michigan, Ohio, and Indiana:
Delta Dental
PO Box 9085
Farmington Hills, MI 48333-9085
When a different address is used, your clearinghouse may not recognize it as a valid address for us and may not transmit your claims to us electronically. The clearinghouse may print these claims on paper and send them on to us for processing.
- Call DASI at 800-462-7283 to check the status of all claims, including electronically submitted claims.
- Review the reports from your clearinghouse. If you have questions or don’t understand the reports, contact your clearinghouse for clarification.
- To avoid delays, send X-rays and reports only for the procedures that require them.
- Sending unnecessary X-rays and information such as reports and periodontal charting delays the processing and your payment.
- Make sure the dentist’s business name and address on your electronically submitted claims is exactly the same as you have registered with your software vendor, the clearinghouse and Delta Dental. Not doing so delays the processing and your payment.
- Before you start submitting your claims electronically, inform your software vendor. You will also need to select a clearinghouse.