Welcome to Delta Dental!
With your Delta Dental PPOTM (Point-of-Service) plan, you have access to two of the nation's largest networks of participating dentists—our Delta Dental PPO network and our Delta Dental Premier® network—to help you save money on the dental care you need to stay healthy.
Two great networks
With your Delta Dental plan, you can go to any licensed dentist, anywhere. However, you will save the most money by choosing one of the thousands of dentists nationwide who participate with Delta Dental.
The Delta Dental Premier network is the largest in the United States, with three out of four dentists participating. This gives you the largest choice of participating dentists and provides significant savings.
The Delta Dental PPO network is smaller than the Delta Dental Premier network, but offers even greater savings.
How to use this site
You will find access to everything you need to manage your dental plan benefits right here. Visit anytime—day or night—to access your personalized information.
If you have questions about your dental plan benefits, call Delta Dental at 800-524-0149, Monday—Friday 8:30 a.m.–8 p.m. ET.
Your Delta Dental website allows you to:
- Access Member Portal (see instructions below)
- View your plan summary
- Print your own member ID card
Find a dentist
Finding a Delta Dental participating dentist near you is fast and easy. Download our flyer to learn more or start your search here.
Note: Be sure to choose either the Delta Dental PPO or Delta Dental Premier network as your dental plan when searching for a dentist.
Benefits information
View the benefits included in your Delta Dental PPO (Point-of-Service) dental plan.
Access Member Portal

Member Portal gives you easy, secure access to your benefit information 24/7. Review eligibility, annual maximum used to date, levels of coverage and claims information. You can also search for a dentist, print your member ID card and sign up for electronic Explanation of Benefits (EOB) statements.
To access Member Portal, you will need to register first. To register you will need the following:
- Subscriber's first and last name
- Subscriber's date of birth
- Member ID (use Social Security number)
- Security question
NOTE: Member Portal has replaced Consumer Toolkit. If you currently have a Consumer Toolkit account, your username and password for Consumer Toolkit will work for Member Portal. Upon logging in, we will ask you to update your security questions, phone number and email address. This information will ensure you are able to access your account in the future if you forget your username or password.
Print your own member ID card
To print an ID card, you will need to log in to the Member Portal. Once logged in, you will see your member ID card displayed on the screen. Use your browser's print function to print as many copies as desired.
Understanding your benefits
Maximize your benefits by learning about pre-treatment estimates, coordination of benefits, staying in network, and more!